Project samenwerkingen
Balkan Trafik neemt deel aan verschillende projecten:

“War divides, Music Connects!” All in all, 500 young people will be involved during the four years of the project, six partner countries that will offer Balkan Trafik the opportunity to showcase the work of some of the music bands that came out of the working sessions.
Initiated by the Dutch NGO Musicians Without Borders, the project first concerned the Mitrovica Rock School, located in Kosovo in a city well-known for its division between pro-Serb and pro-Albanian neighborhoods. This school allows young people to learn rock music in both branches of the school and then meet for joint performances. Two years ago, the Roma Rock School based in Skopje in Macedonia joined the project, with its young students trained in music and more particularly in the rock genre. Fontys Rockacademie from the Netherlands, Clash Exchange and Learning from Germany and SOAS University from the UK also joined the project to share their know-how and expertise.
Today, this project is divided between residencies, performances and exchanges, which will become, as one of the objectives, examples and inspirations in terms of peace-building and discovery of the “Other”.
During the next three editions of the festival, we will welcome Music Connects and its young artists on the Balkan Trafik stage.

MOST – The Bridge for Balkan Music, gecoördineerd door Hangvető in Boedapest en medegefinancierd door de Europese Unie, is een complex regionaal ontwikkelingsproject dat de muziekmarkt in de Balkan een impuls wil geven door actoren met elkaar in contact te brengen en te ondersteunen: artiesten, jonge managers, beleidsmakers, festivals en muziekpodia. MOST kan bogen op 300 alumni, een nog grotere groep professionals die zich hebben aangesloten bij de missie van het project, en een blijvende impact die de aandacht zal blijven vestigen op de Balkan.
Blader door de Balkan World Music Guide of bezoek de website voor meer informatie over het project.